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Libvirt Installation

Libvirt Installation steps

# Obsolete/Improper commands
# ovs-vsctl -v add-br virbr0
# ovs-vsctl add-port virbr0 lan0
# ovs-vsctl set-controller virbr0 ptcp:
# ovs-vsctl set bridge virbr0 stp_enable=true

WebVirtCloud Installation

WebVirtCloud Installation steps

su wvm
git clone
virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/webvirtcloud-venv
source ~/webvirtcloud-venv/bin/activate

Generate SECRET_KEY and put it into webvirtcloud/webvirtcloud/

import random, string
haystack = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
print(''.join([random.SystemRandom().choice(haystack) for _ in range(50)]))

WebVirtCloud Installation steps

cp webvirtcloud/ webvirtcloud/
# now put secret key to webvirtcloud/
virtualenv -p python3 webvirtmgr-venv
source webvirtmgr-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r conf/requirements.txt
python3 migrate
vim webvirtcloud/

Run WebVirtCloud

~/webvirtcloud-venv/bin/gunicorn webvirtcloud.wsgi:application -c /var/srv/wvm/webvirtcloud/
python3 /var/srv/wvm/webvirtcloud/console/novncd

WebVirtCloud Upgrade

Upgrade WebVirtCloud

virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/webvirtcloud-venv --upgrade
source webvirtcloud-venv/bin/activate
cd webvirtcloud
pip install -r conf/requirements.txt
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate